Stratus Panel - Access > Block Countries

Countries can be blocked from accessing a Webscale STRATUS environment based on the geographic location of their IP number. All traffic is stopped before it reaches your Webscale STRATUS environment.

The location of the accessing IP is determined by lookups in databases that match IP numbers with known locations of IP address blocks. GeoIP is not perfect but it will block most of the traffic from a given country.

Country blocks, unlike the other access restrictions in the Access section, apply their block directly to your CloudFront distribution. All traffic is stopped before it reaches your STRATUS environment.

Create Country Blocks

To create blocks:

  1. Go to Access > Block Countries in the STRATUS left sidebar menu.
  • Click Allow Access For All Countries to allow full access. This selection de-selects all countries shown.
  • Click Restrict Access For All Countries to restrict all countries. This selection is useful if only a few countries are to be allowed access; allowed countries can be de-selected to allow only certain countries.
  • Click Restrict Access For All Countries Not Shipping To to restrict access based on the countries selected in “Country Options” in the Magento store backend.
  • Click UPDATE to apply your selections

Any update to these restrictions may take up to 30 minutes to take effect since the updates are applied to the CloudFront Distribution configuration.

Last modified January 1, 0001